What is the Digital Nomad Visa? How do I get one for Spain?


What is the Digital Nomad Visa? How do I get one for Spain?

Are you waiting for the new Digital Nomad Visa for Spain? Find out what we know so far from Skatz & Walter Ego.

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Walter: What’s the Digital Nomad Visa? How do I get one? Do I need to live in a tent?

Skatz: Slow down Walter, one thing at a time. The digital nomad visa is already available in quite a few countries in Europe, so if you’re a bit of a working nomad, there are plenty of opportunities for you to do your work around the world. 

W: But can you get it in Spain? 

S: Well, there was a plan announced in Spain in December 2021 in what was called the Startup Act, and as part of that they talked about the Digital Nomad Visa. This is a brand new visa to go alongside all of the other visas, and it will allow foreign, non-EU workers to work in Spain without the full working visa.

W: Oh! That’s quite exciting!

S: Exactly, because it’s not possible to work when you’re here on the Non Lucrative Visa, even though lots of people managed to do that in the past, and the self-employment visa doesn’t really fit the idea of remote working.

W: I know, I’ve been trying to find that loophole since Brexit!

S: So this is an exciting opportunity, but hold on a second…

W: I’m holding!

S: …because at the moment, it’s only a draft law and it needs to go through parliament, which takes time, however, the word on the street is that they’re aiming for the Autumn of 2022, but it could be the Spring of 2023.

W: I’ll believe that when I see it!

S: But you’ll also see, when I tell you what we know about the requirements for the visa, that to be prepared for getting it, you need to be planning this far ahead at least. I’ll tell you why shortly.

W: Okay

S: Great! Let’s look first at all of the wonderful things that the Digital Nomad Visa promises to do. The whole idea is part of Spain’s recovery programme to attract new talent and investment and help the economy recover from the COVID lockdown. 

W: I’ve got talent!

S: It takes advantage of the increase in remote working options that increased so much in the lockdown. It promises to be available to remote workers, digital nomads and freelancers. There’s going to be a more streamlined process for applications and business formation, covering all walks of the economy. There will be a reduction in the usual non-resident income tax rate and corporate tax from 24 or 25% down to 15%.

W: How long is the visa for?

S: The visa will be for 1 year initially with options to extend if you still meet the requirements. We don’t know for certain how long yet, in other countries there are time limits imposed on it, others not, I look forward to hearing whether Spain will go with limits or allow you to stay longer.

W: Will I be able to take my wife to Spain?

S: You’ll be able to bring your close family members. 

W: Have they promised any other benefits?

S: Well, there’s also going to be beneficial tax treatment of stock options, which would be great for start ups. And of course, the most important thing, who wouldn’t want to work remotely in Spain, with its climate, lifestyle, history, landscape, and vibrant cities?

W: What about the requirements?

S: Well, for a start it’s for foreign nationals. If you’re an EU citizen you can already do remote work without a visa. So as a non-EU remote worker, you’ll be able to be employed by a non-Spanish company as long as you have the ability and their permission to work remotely.

W: Can I have Spanish clients? 

S: No more than 20% of your business though can be from Spanish companies.

W: Could I be a freelancer?

S: You can. Whether that means you can have only one foreign client or whether you need multiple foreign clients isn’t clear yet. But you’ll need to provide terms and conditions of your working relationship.

W: Do I need to have had any experience?

S: As a remote worker, you’ll need to have been already remote working for a period of time, some say it’s got to be for at least a year. If you’re under contract for a company, on the other hand, you’ll need to have had a working relationship with them for at least 3 months.

W: I’d better start working on that.

S: This is why you should start planning now so you can be ready. If you want to find a way in through this visa and you don’t meet the last couple of requirements, then start to get that set up now and look further ahead. 

W: Are there any other requirements?

S: The other requirements are going to be similar to those of the other visas, you’ll need private healthcare cover, no criminal record, not be prohibited from entering Spain for any reason, have suitable qualifications, evidence of work and meet the financial requirements.

W: It’s not going to be as easy as I thought.

S: It never is. It’s possible that this isn’t going to be the longterm residency that some people think.

W: Can you help me apply?

S: Like I said before, it’s not been fully implemented yet.

W: Will you tell me when it is?

S: Of course I will, as soon as I know I’ll make an announcement on the website and on YouTube. So get on the mailing list and subscribe to the channel, and when I have the details I’ll be following people’s progress in applying for it too.

W: I’m waiting with baited breath

S: The less said about your breath the better.

W: Cheeky!

S: Only joking. Peace & Love. See you in the next article.

Article by Skatz & Walter Ego



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