What has Brexit ever done for British expats? Our Top Ten Amazing Things!


What has Brexit ever done for British expats? Our Top Ten Amazing Things!

Here are our Top Ten Amazing things that Brexit has done for UK residents, British expats and Europeans. Skatz & Tommy disagree on the positives of Brexit…

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Skatz: It’s been nearly 6 years since the Brexit referendum, and nearly 2 years since the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, so in the words of Monty Python… 

Tommy: What has Brexit ever done for us?

S: Let’s get straight into it. 

T: Number 1! We’ve stopped the immigrants! 

S: Well, that’s true to a certain extent. In terms of people going into the UK, there’s now a points system, which includes a skills & salaries threshold. And that also means that the lower-paid, unskilled labour and seasonal workers can’t get in anymore so there’s now a labour shortage; and in turn, that’s created food shortages. Even if there wasn’t a shortage, there aren’t enough lorry drivers to get the food to the supermarkets. The NHS is now even more understaffed as well as underfunded; there used to be loads of doctors and nurses who came into Britain as immigrants.

T: But we stopped the immigrants! Number 2 – We took back control of our borders!  

S: That’s true, and that’s reflected in the Customs charges that everyone has to pay in both directions – that means everything going to and from UK is more expensive – presents are costing the receiver more than it cost to buy them in some cases – businesses that relied on goods from the UK can’t afford to buy from there now. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, there’s the Northern Ireland treaty and the ridiculous border in the sea – it’s an impossible situation to resolve because it cuts right through the peace agreement – ultimately it could be serious enough to cause the so-called ‘troubles’ to resume.

T: Number 3 – We’ve taken back control of our own laws, now we make the decisions

S: That was the plan, yes, although you still need to abide by EU RULES when dealing with the EU, and to begin with at least, you’ve had to basically copy the EU laws because it would be too much of a shock to the system to change everything all at once. Besides, there are a lot of EU laws that were actually negotiated or supported by the UK while they were in the EU. And do you really want to get rid of all of the laws that protect your rights as a worker, or as a human being? Do you trust Truss to maintain these rights? 

T: She is our Prime Minister! Number 4 – We’re taking back control of our national measurements! The UK can now use pounds and ounces again! 

S: Well, that’s not complicated at all now is it? Do you know how many ounces there are in a pound? 

T: No! Number 5 – Britannia rules the waves – make Britain Great again! Because we’re in charge of what we do, we had a go at the Russians for what they done to Ukraine, we were the first to help 

S: Which caused a fuel crisis, and then a cost of living crisis – not that you shouldn’t support the underdog, but you know, that and Brexit has had a huge impact on inflation, you’ve got a weaker economy, wages are falling behind inflation, the mini-budget was a disaster, and there are strikes everywhere

T: I’ll strike you! Number 6 – We get to keep our Great British Pound! 

S: Actually, you were never going to lose the pound. Except that exchange rates have plummeted so much on the run up to and in the aftermath of the referendum result that it’s lost nearly a third of its value against the Euro – pensions are now worth so much less to retired Brits in Europe that some are having to move back to the UK

T: Number 7, Trade deals! We can negotiate trade deals with any country now without being restricted by the EU. 

S: Yeah but the trouble is, you’ve lost all of the favourable terms you had with the whole of Europe, your nearest neighbours, with whom you did an enormous amount of trade. The new trade deals that have been set up are carbon copies of the ones we had with the same countries before as EU members. 

T: But… Number 8 – Britain is back to being a big player on the world stage, and there’s still goodwill in Europe towards us cos they need us, lots of us have got holiday homes in Spain and spend loads on their economy 

S: Sadly, the so-called ‘Swallows’ can’t stay over the whole winter now – Brits who own holiday homes can’t visit their own houses enough anymore, they can only stay for 90 days out of every 180.

T: So… Number 9 – I’ll just get a job there then they’ll have to let me stay 

S: No you can’t, there’s no more freedom to work & live in the EU for Brits, that’s only available to EU citizens

T: Well then, Number 10 – I’ll just get a visa! 

S: That’s much more complicated than it used to be, especially to get a visa that allows you to work, and it can be costly. 

T: Well, I’ll join a band then and tour around Europe. 

S: That would be fun, just remember though that to do that you need loads of paperwork that needs renewing each year, the organisation and cost of it all has put off so many touring acts. 

T: Alright then, I’ll just get a camper van and drive around Europe then, I’ll be under the radar 

S: That’s not advisable, they’re tightening up on stopping UK registered cars, and checking driving licenses – you can’t swap for a Spanish licence at the moment, that’s still under negotiation, but even if you could, if you were found to have been in Spain for more than 3 months, you get thrown out, fined and banned from coming back for a few years.

T: Then I’ll just stay at home in Britain then, it’s the best place in the world!

S: Good luck with that.

T: I heard that sarcasm! You’re a lot more negative than usual. There must be something good about Brexit? 

S: Well, apparently the COVID vaccination rollout was really quick because the UK acted independently. And also, Brexit seems to be driving Scotland towards independence, hooray, and there’s more support for a united Ireland.

T: I think I’ll move to Ireland then 

S: Actually, if you do that and stay long enough, you could get an Irish passport and bypass Brexit altogether, that’s what I did. And that means I can still get all of the benefits of being European, like grants and subsidies, freedom of movement, all kinds of protections…

T: Oh shut it!

S: Peace & Love Tommy.

T: I’ll give you peace and love

S: Hey, do you realize we got through this whole Brexit video without mentioning the £350m a day for the NHS that was promised on the side of a bus.

T: I’m very glad we didn’t mention that. Or show the picture. Did we ever get the money?

S: No, apparently it was a barefaced lie.

T: Oh dear, what’s the world coming to if we can’t trust politicians, eh!

S: Indeed! By the way, have you seen Walter anywhere.

Walter: You Too Spain dot com!

S: Ah, there you are. Fancy a dance?

W: Can we do the Brexit £350m lie dance?

S: Well, why not!

T: Oi!

W: Peas & Fluff!

S: See you in the next video!

Article by Skatz & Tommy (and a little from Walter)



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