Top tips on what documents you absolutely need to have in your car when driving in Spain, whether it’s a Spanish or foreign car, and whether you’re resident or not. All of your questions answered..
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What documents do you absolutely need to carry in your car in Spain?
If it’s a Spanish car and you’re living here, you need the following actual documents, not copies:
- A valid driving licence
- The vehicle’s technical inspection sheet or Ficha Tecnica
- The vehicle’s registration document
- An up to date ITV pass certificate, and there should also be an ITV sticker displayed in your window
- Your passport and/or residency card
But wait! There’s always an ‘it depends’, you’ve had the very quick answers, but I’m sure some of you have more questions, so here’s Walter to ask them.
What do the traffic police ask you for if they stop you?

First off, they’ll ask you for your driving licence before they check the vehicle’s paperwork. If you’re a resident, they’ll check your driving licence against the details of your residency card.
What if I’m not a resident?
If you’re a UK resident or from another non-EU country and/or you’re driving on a non-EU licence, it’s advisable to carry travel documents with you and proof of return tickets, otherwise they could question whether you’re actually living here and therefore your licence might be invalid, because you’re supposed to exchange it with a Spanish driving licence within 6 months.
What if I’m on holiday in a rental car?
You’re okay to drive with a UK driving licence while you’re on holiday, and the rental company should have left all of the relevant documentation in the car.
What’s the registration document?
That’s called the Permiso de Circulación

Is that like the UK’s log book?
Kind of. But the log book has the technical specifications in it too.
So where do you find those details in Spain?
Those details are in the technical inspection document, or Ficha Tecnica. This must be accompanied by the latest up to date ITV pass certificate if the vehicle is more than 4 years old.
What’s the ITV?
That’s like the UK’s MOT certificate or Ireland’s NCT. You also get an ITV sticker that you must display in your car window.
What if I’ve just brought my UK car into Spain and registered it and haven’t got all of the documents through yet?
Then you should keep any documentation about it in the car, for example the Ficha Tecnica Reducida, a record of your appointment with the ITV station, or a letter from a company if they’re registering the car on your behalf stating it’s in the registration process.

Will it still be legal to drive with the UK plates?
As long as it has valid MOT, tax and insurance in place. Also make sure any GB markings are covered over and put a UK one on the back of the car. You can request provisional green plates from the DGT which are a pre-registration in Spain. These allow you to insure your car for 60 days while processing the registration.
Can I register my car using a postal address in case I can’t get post delivered to me in the countryside?
No, it must be your home address so it tallies with your Padron, but you can put a postal address as well as your home address on your records on the DGT website, as long as you have a digital certificate. I made a video all about that, click on the picture below to watch it.
What if I’m driving a UK registered car?
Then you need to keep your logbook in the car. Best have your MOT certificate and insurance policy with you as well. Since Brexit there’s been discussions between the UK and Spain about whether Spain has access to DVLA records, so have all of the proof with you just in case.
Okay, what about insurance documents, do I need them in the car if I’m a resident?
Well, the police have a database they can check to make sure you’re insured, because it’s the car that’s insured, not the driver, but my insurance company advised me to carry the certificate of insurance anyway, and also the forms you need to fill in if there’s an accident.
Where do I get them from?
Ask your insurance company. They should provide them.
What if the car’s in my partner’s name?
Then you need to carry a letter in Spanish saying you have permission to drive it. Your insurance policy should have you down as the alternative driver anyway.
Is that everything?
That’s about it, but if you have any more questions, ask them here or in the comments below the video on YouTube so everyone who sees the video can benefit.
Peace & Love everybody, let’s dance!
Article by Skatz