Do UK citizens need an International Driving Permit when driving in Spain, whether they’re on holiday or resident? Does the permit replace your driving licence?
Find out in this lively conversation between Skatz, Walter Ego & Angry Tommy.
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For the conversational facts, carry on reading…
Skatz: I’m an EU citizen
Walter: I’m a UK citizen on holiday
Tommy: I’m a UK citizen what lives in Spain
S: Do any of us need an International Driving Permit to drive in Spain?
W: I’ve just been fined for not having one
T: It’s a travesty!
W: I dream of being stopped by the police.
S: Nightmare! This is Walter. Today, he’s a UK tourist in Spain.
W: I’m on holiday!
S: And this…
T: Oi!
S: …this is Tommy. He’s British but lives in Spain.
T: Oi-oi!
S: Recently, some British tourists were fined for not having an International Driving Permit
T: You what!
W: It happened to me
S: So first of all, what is the International Driving Permit?
T: It’s a driving licence for everywhere!
S: Actually no, it’s not a driving licence at all, it’s just a permit, which is a supporting document
W: I could do with a bit of support
S: Yes I think you probably could.
W: What support does it give me?
S: Well, the IDP is basically a translation of your own driving licence so that it can be understood by lots of different countries.
W: So I still need my UK driving licence?
S: Yes, the IDP can’t be used on its own.
W: Right, but I haven’t got an international permit, so the Spanish police were right to fine me?
S: Actually no, they weren’t.

T: The police have been breaking the law?
S: Not intentionally I don’t think. Some traffic officers were thinking that because UK citizens are now third country nationals, they should be carrying the international driving permit, so they started checking and fining drivers that didn’t have them.
W: But they weren’t right?
S: No, they’d forgotten that licences that were issued in accordance with the Geneva Convention or the Vienna Convention didn’t need to be supported by an IDP
W: And UK licences are included in that?
S: They are indeed
T: And what about the European Parliament Directive number 2006/126/EC which was signed by all EU countries in 2006 including the UK?
S: Thank you Tommy, I was just about to mention that.
T: Well get on with it then!
S: I will. This directive was about establishing a single European driving licence, and it means that all EU country’s licences are in the same format, including the photograph and the vehicle categories, so that they’re all recognisable. Most UK licences still have the EU flag on them because of it.

W: But if the Spanish Police are fining people how can I prove that I don’t need one?
S: Well, you could carry in your car a copy of Article 21 of the General Drivers Regulations, which states that licences from third countries are valid to drive in Spain.
W: What about if I want to hire a car? Somebody told me they won’t let you without an IDP.
S: Yeah there are many stories of that happening, I think some car hire companies have put it in their own regulations, so if you’re going to hire a car in Spain it’s worth getting one just in case.
T: It’s another rip off!
S: Well it only costs a few pounds and it lasts for 3 years, and it’s very easy to apply for, so to be honest I’d say play safe and get one.
T: I’m not getting one!
S: You don’t need one anyway Tommy, you’re a Spanish resident so you should by now have a Spanish Driving Licence.
T: I didn’t apply for one in time!

S: In that case you can’t drive, unless you exchange your UK licence for a Spanish one.
T: How do I do that?
S: It depends on whether the negotiations to allow a straight swap have been completed and ratified yet.
T: Ratified?
S: Yes, the British Ambassador and his team has been working on it for quite a while now.
T: They said it was going to be done by the end of July. It’s August now!
S: These things take time
T: What if they never sort it out?
S: Then you’ll have to take the Spanish driving test..
T: I’ve been driving for 35 years and only ever had four accidents, why can’t they just trust me?!
S: If they knew you like I know you Tommy, they’d come and give you a big hug and a chauffeur driven BMW.
T: BMW?? I want an AUDI!!!
S: There’s no pleasing some people.
T: What?!
S: I said they’re only free to good people.
T: Oh! That’ll be me then
W: What shall I do about my fine?
S: You can appeal against it.
W: How do I do that?
T: I’ll give them something appealing.

S: Ignore Tommy, Walter, I’ve put a link HERE to help you. It’s a Facebook group called N332 run by Spanish police that will help you get the right forms
T: That’s very helpful!!
S: It is.
W: Oh hang on, I’ve got a friend who lives in Gibraltar and he’s got one of their licences, does he need an International driving permit?
S: I’m glad you asked that Walter, because the helpful folks at N332 did say that you might need an IDP to drive in some EU countries and Norway if you have either a paper driving licence, or a licence issued in Gibraltar, Guernsey, Jersey or the Isle of Man.
T: It’s a diabolical liberty!!
S: It’s just a rule, Tommy, chill.
W: Doesn’t sound like it to me
S: Nor me, is everybody fully informed now?
T: Yes!
W: Yes, thank you for all of the information.
S: You’re welcome.
T: Oi! Do you wanna buy a used motor?
S: Errrrr, no.
W: I’d rather do the hippie dance
S: Let’s all do the hippie dance then. See you in the next blog!
W: Bye!
T: Oi!!
S: Let’s dance!
Article by Skatz, Walter Ego & Angry Tommy