Can I get free healthcare in Spain? The Convenio Especial


Can I get free healthcare in Spain? The Convenio Especial

What is the Convenio Especial in Spain and can you get free healthcare? Skatz explains how you can be eligible and how to apply for state healthcare.

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Can you get free healthcare in Spain? 
What is the Convenio Especial?
Are you eligible?
How do you apply?

Here are the answers from the official government website, with links.

First of all, everyone needs some kind of healthcare cover in Spain, whether it’s the state system or the private system. None of it is completely free, because even state healthcare depends on social security payments of some kind. Even with the S1 from the UK, you’ve been paying for that through contributions, and then the UK pays Spain.

One way that some of you can  access state healthcare is through the Convenio Especial.

So what is The Convenio Especial?

It’s a special agreement! The particular agreement for healthcare is a Social Security scheme that allows for people that don’t otherwise qualify for state healthcare to make voluntary payments.

Who can sign up?

You need to have been resident in Spain for at least 12 months to apply. And you must have no other means of accessing state healthcare. 

What does it cost?

If you’re under 65 years old, it’s €60.

If you’re 65 or over, it’s €157 until you reach pension age, because after that, you get full access.

What if I have medical problems?

That’s one of the big advantages of this system, it doesn’t matter if you have pre-existing conditions. So you only pay the standard price no matter what. There are no restrictions or extra premiums.

Does the Convenio Especial cover everything?

Not quite, you do have to pay for your general prescriptions, any ortho-prosthetics, dietary prescriptions and non-urgent medical transport. And also you can’t get the TSE Spanish European health card, that’s the equivalent of the EHIC. So if you’re travelling outside of Spain you need holiday insurance.

Can I replace my private healthcare cover with it for residency?

Yes, it covers the basic requirements for residency, so if you’re having trouble paying for private healthcare, it’s worth considering.

If I’m on the Non Lucrative Visa, can I switch to this after my first year? And how do I apply?

Switching after year one is a little tricky, because you need to have been resident for at least a year to apply, but you need coverage to apply for your Year 2 & 3 residency renewal. That creates a problem, because it takes time to apply, and you won’t be covered in time.

So you should renew your private policy for year two, and unless there are favourable rules and terms for cancellation partway through that year, you’ll have to wait until a few months before your private policy is next due for renewal (year 3) to apply for the Convenio. You need to time it right if you don’t want to be paying for both at the same time.

What do I need to do to apply?

Here’s what you need.

Number 1! The Convenio Especial application form. (That’s different for every region, click HERE for the Andalucia form.)

Number 2! Your passport.

Number 3! Your up to date Padrón certificate. (No more than three months old!)

Number 4! Your TIE card or EU residency card, depending whether you’re an EU passport holder or not.

Number 5! Proof that you can’t get healthcare cover from another country. So if you were resident in the UK, for example, and were entitled to NHS cover before you emigrated, you’ll need a letter from them to show you’re no longer covered.

You can get this from the NHS Overseas Healthcare Services.

Don’t forget to get that letter translated. And it’s worth checking with the NHS how it will affect your healthcare in the UK.

What if you’re not from the UK, or you’ve worked somewhere else since emigrating?

Then you’ll need to get proof from the healthcare provider in that country.

How do you submit your application?

If you have a Digital Certificate, you can apply online through the Social Security online portal. Do get a digital certificate, they’re very handy. Watch THIS VIDEO all about it.

If you don’t have your digital certificate or you’d prefer to be old school, you can apply by post or in person at your local health centre or the local provincial office, or even at the post office because they check them there before you send them off.

How long until you get a response?

It depends! If your details and documents are all in order, your confirmation could be within a few weeks. Although in some regions it can take 2 or 3 months. So if you’re applying in advance of your residency renewal, make sure you leave enough time. 

What happens next?

You’ll be sent copies of the agreement, one to sign and return, along with proof of payment of the first monthly payment from your bank. 

Take another copy for your own records, and scan it into your computer for digital records too, the same as all of your important documents.

You can ask questions in the comments if you need to know more.

HERE are the contact details for a private healthcare provider that I trust, in case you need a quote.

And HERE you can get a free account with my currency exchange broker to maximise your Euros.


Appointments system for Andalucia

Health Centres in Andalucia

Official Government info in Spanish about the Convenio Especial

Article by Skatz



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