5 more amazing top tips for moving to Spain – Technology!


5 more amazing top tips for moving to Spain – Technology!

Here are 5 more amazing top tips for moving to Spain so your amazing adventure goes smoothly.  

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Last week I gave you 5 amazing top tips. Here are 5 more top tips to make your move to Spain go smoothly. And there’s a brilliant bonus top tip at the end! These ones are all about how you can use technology to help you.

So let’s get straight to it. Here’s the countdown.

Number five!


Phones these days are little computers, they can do so much to make your life easier, and especially when you’re moving to Spain. A lot of smart phones can now take a dual SIM card, which means you can use, for example, your UK number and have a Spanish number without changing the little SIM card. Some services in Spain are either impossible or more difficult if you don’t have a Spanish number, and a lot of people want to keep their old number to stay in touch with old friends, or so they can contact UK services to sort out their pension for example. 

There are lots of handy apps to do things like giving you directions, helping you learn Spanish, give you the weather forecast, tell you the news, you can listen to podcasts, read books, use it to pay for things, and there’s so much advice you can get on social media to put you in contact with people like you who have moved to Spain.

There’s also the YouTooSpain community group on Facebook, and very friendly it is too!

Number four!

The internet! 

You’ll need the internet from the moment you land, so until you get yourself sorted out with high speed broadband, you’ll need to use your phone’s mobile hot spot!

Is that expensive?

It could be if you’re using a foreign number, but if you’ve set up your Spanish account in advance, you’ll have lots of data for free. Lobster, for example, keep upping the amount of data they give to customers, and you get free calls and texts to lots of countries too. 

I use Lobster! HERE is a link so anyone can get a SIM card delivered, and they have English speaking customer service as well.

Number three!

Use the Cloud!

If you save all of your documents and information on the cloud and organise it properly into files, you’ll be able to find everything you need wherever you are. And you can email or print out documents from a phone. The bureaucrats and officials in Spain need loads of documents.

Number two!

Take photographs of everything! 

I don’t just mean the scenery and whatever you eat, (although it is a very good idea to document your journey for posterity), I mean all of your documents, your receipts, your flight tickets, your road toll payments, fuel receipts, hotel receipts, boarding cards, everything. It might sound excessive, but all of these things can be used as proof of your journey and where you were, and you just don’t know when you will need these things until you do and they suddenly become vital.

Number one!

Get a printer!

You’re probably going to need it before your removals lorry arrives in Spain, even if you’ve had everything you think you need printed off in advance. Bureaucracy will find something else that it needs! The best thing to do, I think, is to get yourself a new printer in Spain soon after you arrive, an up to date one that you can connect to your phone or laptop via Bluetooth. Now it’s time for the bonus top tip!

Bonus top tip!

Sense of humour!

This is probably the most important thing to take with you to Spain, you’re going to need it a lot. Moving to a new country is fraught with difficulties and stress, there’s so much that can go wrong, but don’t be scared!

The best thing to do is to be prepared to laugh everything off and relax. I don’t want to frighten anyone, I just think it’s best to have the foresight to know that something will go wrong. Once you’re in that mindset, you’ll be more prepared to cope with it. So have your phone and a sense of humour, and everything backed up on the cloud, and you’ll be in a much better position to enjoy the process.

Peace & Love!

Let’s dance!

Article by Skatz



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