If you’re thinking of moving to Spain, you’ll need these 5 amazing top tips to make your move go like clockwork.
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Let’s get straight to it! Here’s a countdown.
Number five!

Social media can be so helpful… sometimes! And sometimes it can be full of arguments and disagreements which will confuse you, annoy you, and depress you. So it’s important to find the Facebook groups that have the most supportive members and the most thorough information.
How do I know who’s got the right information.
Well for a start, whenever you get a simple answer that suggests it’s absolutely right and there’s only one answer, take it with a pinch of salt. Everyone’s situation is different, regions and embassies and towns have different interpretations of the rules, there’s no ‘one size fits all’ answer.
‘It depends!’ is a phrase I use a lot. The best comments you get will probably be questions about your situation which will narrow down the answer. And the worst ones will be only a few words, and one of them will probably be Brexit, whether it’s relevant or not.
Which are the best groups?
Obviously YouTooSpain’s community group is full of lovely people. And if it’s really thoroughly researched information you want with lots of long and detailed comments, go to After Brexit in Spain.
Are there are more?
‘It depends’ on which area you’re moving to, so if you’ve decided on that, have a search for the local groups for that area or town. If there’s an ‘expat’ community, or immigrant community as I’d prefer to call them, they’ll usually have at least one Facebook group with advice on everything you need to know and they’ll help you to integrate into the community.
Number four!

It will take you a few months before you’ve found a place to live and got through all of the paperwork and bureaucracy to set yourself up in your new life, so if you’re on regular medication, make sure you have at least 3 months worth of prescription meds. Whichever country you come from, what’s available might be different, so it’s a good idea to research in advance to find out what you can get from the chemist here. Chemists can be very helpful, they’re a vital part of the health service in Spain.
Number three!
Winter clothes!

It can be very hot, especially here in the south, but that doesn’t mean you should get rid of all of your winter clothes before you move here. Even the coastal towns can get cold at night, but if you’re moving into a village nearer to or in the mountains, then you’ll need to wrap up warm. It’s 9 degrees Celsius today where I am, that’s the daytime maximum. There’s been snow on top of our nearest mountain last week, and if you go to the Sierra Nevada near Granada, you get enough snow for skiing from November to March so you can ski in the morning, then nip down to the coast and sit on the beach in the sun in the afternoon sipping a cocktail.
Number two!

It costs a lot to bring loads of belongings to Spain, especially furniture, whether you’re coming from the UK or the US or anywhere really. There’s a good chance that the rooms in your Spanish home will be smaller and a different style from what you have now. And your beds and bedclothes will probably be a different size so you won’t find sheets & pillowcases to fit.
It could be a nightmare, so why pay thousands to ship all of that to Spain only to have to get rid of it when you get there.
What about plugs?
That’s another thing, electrical goods in Spain are a different voltage from American ones for example, and they are the heaviest items. This move is the ideal time to change and reduce what you have, and it will save you a lot of money and effort.
Number one!

Technology can help you so much. I’m going to make another top tips video for next week all about the different ways that technology can help, but on this one I’ll just talk about mobile phones, or cell phones, whatever you call them where you’re from. Even if you’re someone who’s not very good with technology, it really pays to upgrade your phone to a smartphone, it doesn’t need to be the best and most expensive, just a smart one. Because smart phones can do so much more than just making phone calls and taking photos, and a lot of the things you can do will be more than just a bit handy, they could prove vital and save you time and money.
Peace & Love.
Let’s dance!
Article by Skatz